
Sunday, March 4, 2012

10 Guinesses

I probably heard this joke over 15 years ago....

An American walks into an Irish pub and says, "I'll give anyone $100 if they can drink 10 Guinness's in 10 minutes."

Most people just ignore the absurd bet and go back to their conversations.
One guy even leaves the bar. A little while later that guy comes back and asks the American, "Is that bet still on?"


So the bartender lines 10 Guinness's up on the bar the Irishman drinks them all in less than 10 minutes.

As the American hands over the money he asks, "Where did you go when you left?"

The Irishman answers, "I went next door to the other pub to see if I could do it."

...and for some reason it still makes me laugh. The thought of trying that feat makes me sick, but I think this guy might be able to give it a go.

Any time I come up with a new challenge, I automatically think of the Irishman. How do I prove to myself that I can do it before actually doing it?

I'm faced with a dilemma. Today is exactly 4 weeks from the Dragon's Tale race. I've been on the fence for a month or more now. This is a race I have wanted to do ever since I first heard about it. The problem has always been timing. I've never been able to make the stars align until this year. With no excuses or obstacles, it's totally up to me. I have ridden my mountain bike once this year, so I'll be going into the race cold turkey on the mtb and gaining all my training on the Kinetic trainer. My bike has been sitting with a flat tire for over a month now. Is it time to get serious? This is the week to drink 10 Guinesses errr test myself and make a race decision next Sunday.

Today's race probability is at 80%, but I still haven't registered or gone through my "test". Instead of riding the trainer tonight, I had a bowl of ice cream and hot fudge. Great start.

Note: I don't know why beer has been on my brain so much. I think it's because I've been wanting to start home-brewing again. I even made a special stop on Friday to pick up a few craft brews. The winner for me was New Belgium Super Cru this weekend. 

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Benjamin Franklin

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