

Mountain Biking in Taipei, Taiwan
Hello and thanks for visiting. I started this blog as an outlet to write about my adventures on two wheels. Finding them, planning them, doing them, and documenting a few things along the way. In 2007 I reignited a passion for mountain biking and turned it into a vehicle for better health, stress reliever, and addictive hobby. Along the way I found out that road biking and cyclocross were pretty enjoyable also.

I started mountain biking around 1988 while living in Frankfurt Germany. Mammolshain to be more precise. It is a small town outside Koenigstein surrounded by mountains and loads of trail networks connecting the various small towns in the area. I could ride to my school, the mountains, and my friends houses several towns away. It was an outstanding experience and one that I'll remember forever. This experience laid the groundwork for my love of mountain biking.

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Koenigstein - Oberursel - Bad Homburg
On weekends, my family and I would often visit the US military bases in the area to get our American fix of pizza, books, magazines, and occasional movies. While on an Army Base in Frankfurt, I saw a purple Peugeot 21-speed mountain bike on sale outside the PX (post exchange). At the time, US citizens were allowed on military bases with just passports but you couldn't get into the PX without a military ID. Since this bike was outside, we were able to buy it and, oh boy, did I want it. I think my father paid around $200 cash for it and I was hooked. This bike had biopace chain rings. Revolutionary at the time, but somewhat of a novelty today. I rode this bike all around Koenigstein and up to the communications tower on the Feldberg. This was well before helmets were encouraged. I remember after a particularly crazy downhill over loose rock and sticks, I had my mom drive me all over our small town to find a bike shop I located in the phone book so that I could buy a helmet. Sadly, my purple Peugeot was stolen on the first day of classes at N.C. State as a freshman. I'd still have that bike too if it wasn't stolen. It's replacement, the red Trek 930 is still in my garage.

My Bikes
Some would argue that I have too many bikes, but that is subject to debate. From left to right in the picture, my bikes are:

  1. Iron Horse Cruiser (The Wife's Bike)
  2. Cannondale CX5 Cyclocross
  3. Trek 1.5 Road Bike
  4. Trek 930 Mountain Bike (the Peugeot replacement)
  5. Niner Jet9 29er Mountain Bike
  6. Trek Fuel EX8 Mountain Bike
  7. Specialized FSR (not pictured)

Why do I need so many? I don't, but I've had hours of fun on all of these bikes and each one has a good story behind it.

My Cubicle
For my day job, I'm an Electrical Engineer just like my father. Being an engineer brings an element of technology to all that I do. I over analyze and like to have a plan for everything . I work in a cubicle farm and it's often where I dream up the "next epic" adventure. I love what I do, but I love the outdoors even more. I love exploring and dreaming up new challenges for myself which is what keeps me a happy functioning member of society. 

Want to know more? Read the rest of the story.

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”

- Abraham Lincoln

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