
Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Training

Training. Let's be honest. Who really likes training? Me, kind of. It's a love-hate relationship. I love the results of training, but when it comes to motivating myself to get up early, go out in the rain, or add another layer because it's cold outside, well, that's hard. This time of year really tests your motivation. My motivation went on vacation. I started this post before the Christmas holiday and I basically ignored all of my training plans (the ones that are in my head). I'm ok with that. I worked hard in 2011 and i enjoyed the break I gave myself, but now its probably time to get serious. Serious sounds too serious, let's get motivated....that's better. The next challenge I've decided to take on is the Winter Challenge. It's described as 23 miles of racing bliss. OK, sure. It's an off road triathlon. The format is Run-Kayak-Bike. No swimming. :-) This is a perfect format for me because it involves elements of an adventure race and is in disciplines I can generally do pretty well. For an off road triathlon, this race delivers. 7 mile run, 6 mile kayak, and 10 mile bike. I did this race in 2009 and loved every minute of it. I've been really excited to return to this race. Next plan for Feb. 11 and the Winter Challenge.

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