
Monday, June 24, 2013

Solstice Century Ride

I did it! I can now check off the Century ride from my list. Woohoo. :-)

This ride has been on my list of endurance goals for years, but has eluded me. I've been in shape to do it before, but I've never managed to get it done. I'm so happy to have found the time and energy to make this happen. In reality, it's taken me several years to build up the cycling base to pull it off. While training for ORAMM in 2011, I spent a considerable about of time on my road bike. It was during that time where my vision for my century ride came to me. I knew it would be possible to leave from my front door and head south into the southern part of NC and across the border in the Lancaster area of SC. Last year, when I did the Morrison Metric at the YMCA, I figured out how to link my local ride into that ride which would put me at the century mark. On Friday, June 21st, the longest day of the year, I decided to put my plan to the test.

Building up to the big ride, I did a 56 and 82 mile ride. The 56 miler was rather painful and my 82 miler ended prematurely due to the fact that I ran out of water. My 82 miler was actually supposed to be my 100 miler, but it was Father's Day and I ran out of water. I decided to call in the family to rescue me instead of suffering the last 18 miles.

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