
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Focus Pocus

Focus. Somewhere between April and June, I lost focus on my plans for 2012. In business terms, I had a terrible second quarter. The kind of quarter where you have to look back and ask "what happened?". I started off the year great with the off road tri, the Charlotte 10 miler, and then the Dragon's Tale and then flamed out. There's a reason for that which I'll get to later. Mentally, I just needed to check out for a little while. I kept a decent base of cycling, but gave up running completely. That's ok with me though. I really love mountain biking and have gotten in a decent amount of trail so far this year. 

My mountain bike project is nearing completion and should be done towards the end of July. I'm really excited about a longer travel full suspension 29er. More details on that coming soon as well.

I've also discovered Strava in the last few months. I really love this app since it works with any GPS enabled device. Your phone, or in my case, my garmin tracks your ride (or run). The cool thing about it is that it tracks your performance over segments (either ones you create or ones that the community creates). You get awarded PR's, and performance medals to keep your motivation high. The more I use it, the more I like the features. Garmin should pick up this company to make Garmin Connect even better. Well, I say that, but it would probably kill the spirit of Strava, so maybe its better that they innovate on their own. Anyhow, I love their app, so I thought I'd pass it along.

I just got back from our annual trip to Hilton Head Island. We've been going there for 5 years now. It's hard to believe it's been that long. The kids are growing up so fast too. All of them were babies when we first started going. Mommy and Daddy were even enjoyed the vacation this year as the kids are soooo much easier to handle than the little ones who ate sand, threw fits, and cried all night. What an awesome time at the beach. It was my first vacation of the year and man I needed it.

Harbour Town Lighthouse.

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