
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Enjoy the Journey

I read an article this week in the Charlotte Observer that resonated with me.

It's not that I think I can make a run at the Olympics. My Olympic DNA has been dormant since the late 70's. I'm not winning anything and I'm ok with that. Most of the stuff I do is just because I like a challenge. I do it because I like it and I like to push my limits. I'm not a good quitter and there have been many times I wanted to quit. I've found that I can go well beyond many boundaries as long as I have the right attitude.  You've heard it before, it's all mental.

"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory" - Mahatma Gandhi
I love that quote. For this week, I shall enjoy the journey. The only problem is I'm not sure where I'm going or when I need to get there. I'm in a state of ambiguity. This year I decided to try a few different things. After doing the off road tri, a 10 miler, and the Dragon's Tale mtb race I'm out of ideas. I'm thinking about trying to race in the summer mountain bike series here in Charlotte. Mostly just to keep in shape and have some fun. It starts on April 18th on the trails next to my office. How can I pass that up. Time to file a authorization request into house management.

I leave you with these tidbits from an Olympic hopeful....


David Hepp, 38, has returned to elite whitewater canoe racing after a seven-year retirement and hopes to make the U.S. Olympic team. His advice for any older athlete who wants to return to playing a sport more competitively:

• “Do it because you love it. Enjoy the journey, wherever it takes you.”

• “If you’re burned out on one sport, pick up something else that’s totally new – maybe something you can do with a group to help with motivation.”

• “When you’re training, go slower to avoid getting injured. Some days I just admit ‘I’m tired’ and we stop earlier. I never used to do that.”

• “Practice enough so you’re not going to embarrass yourself.”

Read more here:

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